udh lama nh gu ga posting" ap gtu..
pada kesempatan kali ini, gu bakal postingin pidato bahasa inggris tntang hari kemerdekaan negara kita.
tnpa banyak cing-cong langsung aj dh ya, semoga ni pidato bisa bermanfaat buat lo rang yang butuhin.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The excellencies school principals
The honourable teachers
And my beloved friends
Merdeka Indonesia.. Merdeka Indonesia.. Merdeka Indonesia,,,
First Let’s thanks to Allah SWT because of his blessings today we all can gather here on this celebrating independent day event in good condition. Shalawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amien!
In this Indonesian 66th independence day we hope that we all can more love our nation, always sacrifice to our nation and be together.